homepage of the Akron, Ohio inventor Sonny Sneed
Website Homepage

The Sonny Sneed Project Web & Social Media

Client: The Sonny Sneed Project

The Sonny Sneed Project is an effort to build interest and awareness in order to promote the production of the documentary of Sonny Sneed - the Akron area inventor of the Dual-Tip Punch and to help facilitate the sale of his patent on that tool.



  • Digital Marketing
  • Social Media
  • Visual Design
  • Website Design
  • Logo Design

Social Media - Linkedin

							A photo image from this portfolio entry
LinkedIn Post - Overview

							A photo image from this portfolio entry
LinkedIn Post Dual-Tip Punch

							A photo image from this portfolio entry
LinkedIn Post Dual-Tip Punch 2

Facebook Posts

							A photo image from this portfolio entry

							A photo image from this portfolio entry

							A photo image from this portfolio entry